Useful news, advice, tips and resources

Welcome to the AOLCC Blog

Join us as we discuss career development, resume and job search tips, upskilling and much more. This section is full of resources that we think you’ll find useful in every step of your academic and professional journey.

Any specific topics you’d like us cover? Shoot us a message!

Upgrade Your Job with Targeted Career Training in British Columbia

Going back to school is a big step. It can help you unlock new opportunities at work, leave a dead-end job for a more rewarding career, and find renewed self-confidence...

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What Makes a Strong Leader? 4 Insights for Business Management Students

If you’re thinking about pursuing a career in business management, you might already possess some of the skills you need for success in the field. You might be an excellent...

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4 Signs You’re Suited to a Career in Accounting

Do you currently run - or aspire to run - your own business but feel a little out of your depth when it comes to the financials? Perhaps you work...

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Heading Back to School for Career Training? 3 tips for a Strong Start!

There is no better way to land a great job and secure your financial future than with a college diploma. And today’s career colleges offer training in dozens of rewarding,...

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Why Now is the Time to Pursue Healthcare Careers in British Columbia

There’s no better time to get certified for a career in healthcare support. The national scene has shifted with Canada’s aging population, creating a rapidly growing demand for up-and-coming medical...

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Going Back to School? 4 Things to Look for in a Career College

It pays to go back to school. In today’s marketplace, a college diploma can open doors to a more rewarding career, a promotion in your current field, and opportunities for...

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The Worst Job Interview Advice You’re Receiving

Be warned: Some advice is terrible. You may hear job interview advice from people who are already “out there” and working. However, they may have been hired despite their interview...

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Microsoft Word for Resumes. Is It Still the Best Option?

Does Microsoft still have the final Word in resume writing? Not everyone can access the full Microsoft Office suite, especially on a student budget. So what are employers looking for...

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Myths About the Career Options for Medical Assistant Grads

Any career with the word “medical” in the title is likely to be pigeonholed into the idea that it belongs only in a hospital setting. However, that’s just one of...

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What Awaits You After Grad: Medical Office Assistant Duties and Responsibilities

Can you see yourself working as a medical office assistant? Or more importantly, do you know what the job entails? In a nutshell, a medical office assistant ensures that the...

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The Hidden Tech Job Market: Career Opportunities for Web Designers

Wondering where your first big gig as a web designer will come from? Here’s how to find it. The need for graphic designers, illustrators and all masters of art-based disciplines...

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How to Become a Medical Office Assistant (You Can Literally Do Steps 1-2 Today)

Having a great career aspiration and not knowing where exactly to start can be really discouraging.  Fortunately, if you’re interested in becoming a medical office assistant, there is a clear...

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