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Web Design Diploma
Every web design professional knows that the key to landing a great job is having a clean, well-designed online portfolio of work. In fact, this is essential in order to showcase work to prospective clients or employers.
If you’re thinking of enrolling in a web design college or you’ve recently started your program, you’ll learn that an effective online presence can help define you as a brand. That’s why it’s important to have a portfolio that functions well both aesthetically and practically. It’s a gateway to getting contracts and employment.
There’s no better time to start building your portfolio than during your training! Read on to learn how you can create a portfolio that will get your work noticed once you graduate.

Use Your Portfolio to Showcase Projects You Completed in Web Design School

Matias Corea, Chief Designer of Behance, suggests that “you first take the time to step back and curate your work and choose the right pieces; best to showcase work that you will want to do in the future. Display those that you are really proud of, and that look the best. It’s always better to have a portfolio of a few projects that are stunning than dozens where some are just OK. The quality of your portfolio is only as good as your weakest project.”
Not every web design school student may have existing client work to showcase on their online portfolio. If professional projects are not available, class projects can be showcased. It’s also a good idea to create fictional projects, choosing subjects and themes that can be improved. After all, it’s the quality of work that will be judged, not the number of clients in one’s roster.

Web Design School Teaches Online Portfolio
A simple, clean design allows your web design projects to stand out

Web Design School Teaches Online Portfolio Best Practices

It’s always helpful to look at other web portfolios. Once you’ve seen what’s out there, you’ll have a good starting point to create something even more impressive, and get that extra edge in launching a career in web design.
A logo is among the first things prospective clients and employers see on a web portfolio. It serves as a calling card, so placement is important. Logos should be clearly displayed in the top left-hand corner for maximum visibility. First impressions are always important in landing that great client or job.
Images and videos should always be of high quality and clearly accessible. It`s also a good idea to link screen shots to live versions of websites. Additionally, showing stages of a project and adding a short description of each role involved helps prospective clients and employers make hiring decisions.

Adding Personality to Your Portfolio Once You’ve Earned Your Web Design Diploma

A snappy tagline can explain any specialties, such as web editing, graphic design, animation, or online creative development that an adult learner may be focused on after earning their web design diploma.
A web portfolio should also allow for personal information, revealing the “designer behind the work”.  This could include a short biography, which would give prospective clients and employers assurance of the person they are entrusting with their projects.
Blogging about areas of expertise helps promote work and keeps a web portfolio site “fresh.” Use RSS feed to highlight the most popular blogs.
Though one of the most important elements of a portfolio website, contact information is often difficult to locate or is completely neglected. A potential client or employer may be impressed and want to make contact. Contact forms are easier for users because they don’t have to note email addresses and then open up their email manager.
Are you ready to start your first web design course?
Contact Academy of Learning College to learn how you can get started!