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Adam Narvey Poirier is our latest graduate from Academy of Learning Bathurst Campus. Adam was very punctual and kind to everyone. He was very welcoming to all the new students and always had a smile on his face! Adam was a very hard worker and always had a positive attitude. He did very well in all his courses and graduated with an overall average of 82%!
Adam has just finished the PC Support Specialist Diploma Program last week and is now working full time! Congratulations on your new job Adam, we wish you the best! Let’s hear what he has to say about his experience at our college!

What was your favourite course at the Academy of Learning?

My favourite course at the academy of learning would have to be CompTIA 902. As I was learning about the software that makes a computer run and I found it to be quite intriguing. The course kept me pulled in with learning new and interesting things regarding software and at the same time helping to verify the facts that I already knew.

My favourite course CompTIA 902

How do you think Academy of Learning College prepared you for the working world?

Personally I find that Academy of Learning College helped me to get a foothold in the tech business world. It was always a passion of mine to work with technology and by coming here and taking a course in tech and repairing computers it helped me to establish my presence in the business world. Also the course here takes about a year to complete, mine was 10 months. Meaning a person can come here for a course and leave into the working world in nearly half the time it would take them if they would go to a similar college.

Academy of Learning College helped me to get a foothold in the tech business world

What did you think of the staff here at Academy of Learning?

I found the staff at the college to be one of the best experiences of coming to the college. There are only two advisors to the 11 students (presently) at the college. With the small number of students it feels as though everyone here is a family. The owner comes in from time to time and even takes the students out for events like Christmas dinner. Everyone here is easily approachable and welcome to help you with any issues that may arise.

If you could summarize your experience at Academy of Learning what would you have to say?

I wish I would have come here sooner. The personnel at the school, the course and the fellow students made this one of the best experiences you could ever have. I had already gone to college once before and it required me to move from my hometown and almost start fresh. Coming here I was able to stay in my hometown and attend a course that I truly love with amazing people. Classes here are done via online programs and book work meaning that the schedules are quite flexible. The course work requires 30 hours a week but its quite flexible meaning you can come here from 8 to 3 Monday to Thursday and leave earlier on Friday. It also makes the grind of having a job while going to school easy to work around.

Students made this one of the best experiences you could ever have.

If someone you can across was debating on going back to school what kind of advice would you have for them?

Go for it!! The Academy of Learning has amazing programs with wonderful staff. When you come here you’re not treated like another brick in wall but a family member. Everyone here is kind to each other and the environment feels like a second home. The price may be a little higher then regular college but the benefits of coming here and taking the course you want makes it 100 % worth it. I came here for a course I knew I would love and now I’m going to be working in the field of my passion, all thanks to Academy of Learning.
As the largest career college in Canada with 50 campuses across the country, Academy of Learning College attributes the growth in our success to identifying the gap between the formal education available and the realities of the working world. We fulfill the needs of learners by developing customized programs for each student, while meeting the requirements for convenient and effective training at an affordable cost. Browse our program list by province and find the best program that suits your needs!